BRAND-NEW eight-week evening course: Transform your relationship with writing, through the support, shifts in mindset, and time you need to write.
Explore the structure and key elements of stories.
Drinks on the green at the Plough in Wolvercote to meet other people who love writing: all welcome.
Lively one-day workshops in Oxford for all levels, on topics suggested and voted for by you.
World-building to create or enrich your imaginary worlds.
Two half-days across a weekend, online, on the date and topic you vote for.
Two half-days across a weekend, online, on the date and topic you vote for.
I won't share your email with anyone else. You'll get emails from me only: the latest news on courses and workshops, priority booking for courses and workshops (new workshops fill up especially fast), the opportunity to join writing groups or put up a listing for your own, free writing skills, and new blog posts if you ticked that.