Develop your world-building to create or enrich your own imaginary worlds, in lively workshop-style classes.
The genres of imaginary worlds are rich and various – much more so than people often realise. They overlap, blur boundaries, play at the edges, and constantly invent new genres which multiply faster than the names we can invent for them. This course explores world-building for any kind of imaginary world, whether you want to develop a world you've already started building or create a world from scratch.
or read on for more details
In the first two weeks, you'll create multiple story ideas and build on two of these: one in the 'fantasy' camp (completely invented worlds and ideas using magic) and one in the 'sci-fi' camp (future worlds and ideas using real-world explanations). Over the next five weeks, you'll continue to build on either or both of those worlds, to develop their physical detail, why they matter, their ripple-through effects, their names and language, and your character's political and economic realities. If you're developing an existing world, you'll use the multiple story ideas to feed new possibilities into your world, then build on your existing world or one of the new ideas, as appropriate. In the final week, you'll discover a range of techniques for how to orientate your reader in this wonderful new world while telling a story.
Throughout the course, we'll look at extracts from a range of authors, plus articles and panels from FantasyCon and World Fantasy Con where top authors have discussed their approach to world-building. The course includes written feedback on two pieces of writing (up to 2000 words) and two after-class socials (at the local pub, for the in-person course, and in our imaginary pub, for the online course).
Explore genre labels and create heaps of story ideas in multiple genres, and start developing your first story: with an idea that uses magic, create and constrain how the magic works in your world.
A wildly imaginative world: keep your "silly" ideas and make them convincing. Start developing your second story: with an idea that uses a sci-fi / real-world setting, turn the unfeasible into the stuff of story.
The details of your world: flesh out your story's landscape, flora, and fauna, avoid the famous fox-hare-plain problem, and use collage to create a tangible sense of place.
Theme is the heart of imaginary worlds: when you invent a world, it works how you believe it would – or could – or should. Deepening your theme also generates more events for your story and develops your cast.
Small changes to a world have long shadows. Explore how moving away from obvious choices changes the very landscape of your world to create something much more unique and truer to your vision.
The political and economic realities of your world shape your characters' daily lives and are a rich seam to tap. Playing with the possibilities also creates more ripple-through effects and ideas for events.
Explore ways to name characters and places, get some linguistic insight into making up snatches of a language, and start developing your world's idiom: the sayings, proverbs, and metaphors its inhabitants would use.
Writing in a world your reader's never visited requires deft exposition. Learn how to orientate your reader in this wonderful new world while telling a story. Part Dark Art, part bagful of techniques!
These are the books we'll be touching on in class. You do NOT have to read the books in advance – you'll get the book blurbs and extracts from them to read in the class – but they're all highly recommended. Note: if you read slowly and would like to get the extracts to read before class, let me know so I can email them to you before each week's class.
You can read the blurbs for these books and which aspects of each we'll be looking at here.
or read on for reviews.
These reviews come from the Daily Info, where you can also read reviews of the other courses and workshops. (To see the latest reviews on their site, you'll need to scroll past their featured reviews first.)
When I started Megan Kerr's wonderful Imaginary Worlds course my fantasy novel was little more than a seedling. Thanks in great part to Megan's inspiring and creative teaching, I finished the book and I am now writing a trilogy for a major publishing house. The course taught me how to build magic systems and create detailed fantasy environments but, above all, it showed me how to create a world that would matter to readers. It was on this course that I found my voice as a fantasy writer and I shall be forever grateful.
Anna Kemp (author of Into Goblyn Wood) 24 May 2022
This was a great course. Megan is really skilled at prompting students to develop their own ideas and creativity. This course has given me lots of ideas to work on over the coming months and I'll definitely be booking another one at a future date.
Lynn T, 26 Mar 2021
I booked the Imaginary Worlds course as I wanted something that would give me a kickstart into writing again and to put me back in touch with my creative side. I was looking for a fun, friendly and supportive environment and that is what I got. The classes were varied and interactive and I would recommend this to anyone.
Jack, 25 Mar 2021
I took the science fiction and fantasy course and thought it was absolutely stand-out. Megan is an inventive, enthusiastic and supportive teacher, and I felt I learned a huge amount from her. Whether you're just starting out on your writing journey or you're more established, everyone will be able to take something useful away from the sessions. I can't praise her highly enough, and I'd encourage you all to sign up to one of her courses!
Robin 6 Dec 2019
I recently completed Megan's Imaginary Worlds course and it was an absolute joy. Megan is a very talented teacher: knowledgeable, imaginative and meticulously organised. Her passion for writing is infectious and I felt inspired after every session. Feedback was always constructive and on point. The course helped me break into a novel I'd been struggling with for ages and has given me real momentum. The course is suitable for everyone, from absolute beginners to published writers. I'll be back for more! Thank you Megan.
A. Kemp 29 Nov 2019
I attended the 'Imaginary Worlds' course at the beginning of 2017: my first course at The Writers' Greenhouse. From the outset I was impressed by Megan's expertise and professionalism, and by the volume of ideas which she managed to cram into every session without anything ever feeling rushed. Each lesson focuses on a different aspect of building and exploring a fantasy/science fiction world, using examples from a spectrum of novels to illustrate the ideas.
I embarked on the course as someone who is an avid reader of fantasy and science fiction, and had already completed writing a fantasy novel, so I was both surprised and delighted at how much it was able to expand on my existing knowledge. Of particular interest was the way in which the elements of creating a fantasy world were helpfully broken down into categories covering different aspects of culture, and how these things interact with each other and with the process of building a story. I had previously been making the cultures of my worlds up as I went along and wondering how to get away from some of the cliches I kept falling into, so the idea that one could (and in at least some respects should) design the background in advance, was revelatory!
This course gave me a whole new perspective on the genre in which I write, but I must stress that it is not only for people who already read/write/like science fiction and fantasy: there is plenty of material here even for those who are completely new to the genres. I witnessed one of my classmates, who had barely read any fantasy, developing a highly imaginative novel plot by the time we finished the course! Overall it was a fantastic experience, and I have made frequent use of Megan's beautifully typed note booklets for projects since!
Hannah B, 15 July 2019
I joined the Imaginary Worlds course because I wanted to think more creatively, get writing and meet some new people who love sci fi and fantasy – this course fulfilled all three but so much more! Having thought I would never be able to write a novel, I came away with 4 great new storylines; I met some amazing new friends and the weekly get-togethers in Megan's house quickly became the highlight of my week.
Megan's sessions are well structured, timed to perfection and full of laughter. She runs masses of exercises to break down any mental barriers you might have about writing and to get you to put pen to paper. They suit total novices like me and people with a novel in progress who need an injection of enthusiasm and rigour to get things done. I think the most valuable thing I have learnt is that I have the power to write, to stop shooting myself down before I even start, the process of moving from first to final draft and most important of all – the need to create regular periods of time when you commit to writing.
Anna J 20 Sep 2017
Imaginary Worlds – Brilliant!!!
I'd been dithering about finding a writing course for a couple of years, fearing I wouldn't be able to come up with a good story, or that it would be a struggle working out a good plot, or simply that I haven't got it in me to write fiction anyway. I'm pretty good at emails, but I hadn't actually done any kind of creative writing since Primary School.
Megan got me writing ... stuff that I'd never imagined I could do ... in a way that I've never written before. Never in a million years would I have believed I could produce a scene featuring two teenage boys who got up to no good, set 30,000 years ago, creating a language based on Czech, inventing plant names, ceremonies, social structures, and locations. For me as a beginner writer, it was great not to focus on storyline and plot, but instead Megan got us tuning in to our imagination, pulling out anything that seemed like an 'idea' no matter how fantastical or daft it might seem at first. There was much shared discussion, and equally as much individual writing in small bite-sized chunks, inspired scribbling in coloured pens on neat little work sheets. We made collages with magazine pictures and special glue, we looked at cleverly focussed excerpts from books in which writers had effectively done what we were about to do. We had scrummy biscuits in the break.
Megan is a brilliantly focussed teacher with a hearty sense of humour. I'd arrive at the class tired after a full day at work, and very soon be buzzing with ideas and feeling inspired to just try something small, and see where it wanted to go. I actually couldn't wait to do my homework (most unusual) and found myself getting up early on a Sunday morning (even more unusual) just to try out an idea for 10 minutes without judging it ... and realised that I was now writing from a completely different part of my brain! You bet I've signed up for Story Elements now!
Judy 28 Apr 2017
Imaginary Worlds
What an incredible teacher Megan is! After attending the summer sessions, I caught the Writers Greenhouse bug and wanted to spend more and more time creating in this greenhouse, no, hot house of magical ideas. Each lesson is so well organised yet fluid and flexible. I have picked up so many tools and ideas from the activities and exercises. Megan is so supportive no matter where you are on your writing journey. The personal feedback from our submissions was so invaluable. I really didn't want the course to end and can't wait for the next one and the summer workshops.
Marneta 12 Apr 2017
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When: Wednesdays 7pm–9:30pm
8 Oct – 26 Nov 2025
Where: Upper Wolvercote (North Oxford). There's free parking, a great bus route (#6), and beautiful canal-side walking routes.
When: Thursdays 7pm–9:30pm
9 Oct – 27 Nov 2025
Where: Online with posted materials, open to bookings from anywhere in the world.
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