Creative Writing Calendar 2025: See all the upcoming dates
Meddling with Poetry

Meddling with Poetry: poetry-writing course

meddle (v)
  • To mix; to mingle
  • To interest or engage one's self; to have to do; – in a good sense
  • To interfere or take part inappropriately, improperly, or impertinently

".. meddle first, understand later. You had to meddle a bit before you had anything to try to understand. And the thing was never, ever to go back and hide in the Lavatory of Unreason. You have to try to get your mind around the Universe before you give it a twist." Interesting Times, Pratchett


October – November 2026

Explore a variety of poetry forms and approaches in lively workshop-style classes

Meddling with Poetry will next run in Autumn 2026. Join the newsletter for updates on other upcoming courses and workshops and email if you'd like a reminder about this course closer to the time.

Poetry is for everyone

Poetry is for meddling with – part playground, part Dark Art – and for using. It's vital as an art form, as one of those things humans do (like singing in the shower and making food), and as an invaluable way of expressing yourself and processing thoughts and feelings. Writing poetry is far too useful to be locked away in an elitist golden cage: I want it to fly free and be accessible to everyone.

As with all my courses and workshops, this course is designed for absolute beginners and experienced writers alike – whether you’re still a bit scared of poetry from school, or working on your third pamphlet of acrostic wreathed sestinas. We’ll look at the musicality of language – rhymes, rhythm, and the effects of repeating different sounds, at poetic language and imagery, and at dozens of different forms, each of which allows you to play in a different way.

Join the Meddling with Poetry course

  • Eight-week course for adults, one evening a week, 7pm–9:30pm.
  • In person OR online: Choose the in-person course in Oxford OR the Zoom course from anywhere in the world
  • Cost: 8-week courses are currently £345 (£295 early-bird price). This may rise by 2026.
  • Includes two rounds of individual written feedback on your writing, which can be work you create on the course or your own project.
  • All levels welcome: all my courses and workshops cater for a range of experience, from beginners to published writers.
  • Next running in Autumn 2026

‘Megan does a superb job in sharing her love and enthusiasm for poetry which worked well for a poetic novice such as myself.’ – David

‘So well taught that a total beginner and an experienced poet can gain insights, at every level seamlessly.’ – Carolyne

‘The course booklet is an incredible resource for future reference, packed full of information on over 50 forms and techniques.’ – Sal

Weekly topics

Each lesson is themed around a poetry form; across the course, they weave in three other strands of poetry:

  • Musicality: types of rhyme and how to use them well, other lighter musical effects, and our associations with them
  • Rhythm: Understand natural stress patterns in English, the English “beat”, and the different rhythms we can create with that
  • Fresh language: Exploring imagery, the power of unexpected phrasing, succinct language, and a rich sense of meaning

1. Free verse and sensory imagery

Free verse (no set rhyme or metre) lets us focus on everything else that makes something a poem – especially imagery and turning abstract thoughts into tangible images that use all the senses.

2. Old English poems and word-play

Old English poems are a joyful riot of alliteration, a great way to start playing with the musicality of language. They also invite kennings (where the river becomes a "swan-road") and offer a useful introduction to word stress.

3. Rondeaus and effective rhyme

Rondeaus are greedy for rhymes, so we’ll use these to explore how to find multiple rhymes, words which unexpectedly have very few rhymes, and how to use your rhymes to best effect.

4. Cinquains and economy of language

The tiny cinquain makes every word count: the perfect form to practise economy of language, and to try out the many poetic devices we can use to fold meaning into small spaces.

5. Sestinas and going with the flow

You can’t control a sestina, you can only follow it and see where it goes, so it teaches you to go with the flow of your poem, and invites all the poetic devices that create a strangness in our words – plus a lot of fun with words that have multiple meanings.

6. Decuains and natural metre

The decuain is the ten-by-ten: ten lines, each ten syllables, but you can pick whichever metre you like for it, so it’s a great way to explore the effects of different metres and natural sentence stress.

7. Glosas and keeping the meaning open

A poem needs a meaning but it needs to stay open to the reader, too. Writing a glosa of another poet’s lines creates the perfect litmus test: does each line give you enough to explore it, and does it let you explore it or does it belong completely to them, with no room for you?

8. Original forms and English rhythms

All the poetic forms were invented, whether centuries ago or a few years back, and we always get to keep inventing. Inventing forms is a chance to explore everything English rhythm lets us do as well as recap all the features of forms and poetry we’ve covered throughout the course.

The course also includes:

  • Time to write: In every session, you have time to write or start writing a poem in class.
  • Discover new poems: Each week's Poem-a-Day booklet includes six contemporary poems, which I also send you as audio.
  • Individual feedback from me: 2 rounds of written feedback on your poems.
  • Peer feedback: Learn how to give and receive supportive, helpful feedback on each other's writing.
  • Optional: A poem a day Each week's Poem-a-Day booklet gives you everything you need if you want to try the poem-a-day practice.

For individual and peer feedback, you’ll always choose a poem to share beforehand: I’ll never ask you to share one you’ve just written in class.

The course ends just before the start of NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month) when poets all over the world write a poem a day, and heaps of helpful websites offer daily prompts. So if you’ve caught the poem-a-day bug and want to continue, you’ll have plenty of company.

Reviews for Meddling with Poetry

I enrolled for the Meddling With Poetry course hoping to learn more about different poetry forms and to improve my writing. I did both and have recently submitted a poem to a journal for publication. My confidence as a writer of both poetry and prose has increased greatly and weeks after the course I am referring to the content from it constantly to assist me as I write. The course was intensive, one student who has a degree in creative writing said that an eight week course with Megan is like a year of an undergrad course and I can believe it, she covers so much that is of a high standard.

You do need to commit and concentrate to get the most out of the teaching and the positive and detailed feedback that she gives you on your own work. However, people lead busy lives and there is no pressure, you can go at your own pace.

The classes are incredibly enjoyable, they became the highlight of my week. Megan is very positive and encouraging and devises all sorts of fun exercises and activities to illustrate her teaching, demonstrating her vast knowledge and experience as a writer and tutor.

Clare 17 Jul 2020

Just completed the Meddling with Poetry course with Megan at The Writers Greenhouse. The course, adapted for the Coronavirus restrictions, proved delightful and lively and the content assured and comprehensive. Megan does a superb job in sharing her love and enthusiasm for poetry which worked well for a poetic novice such as myself. Great course!

David 30 Jun 2020

I had actually participated in the very same course a year or so ago and was hoping it would really just act as a stimulus to get me writing again. However, it did so much more.

I found that I engaged with the material on a higher level. The [Meddling With Poetry] course is so well taught that a total beginner and an experienced poet can gain insights and new and creative learning opportunities are offered at every level seamlessly.

The current pandemic also meant that most online courses are being offered without thought or access to stimulating resources. Megan created I am sure very painstakingly weekly packs with all you can imagine in and more inside. Not only that but as a shielded student I was completely reassured by her amazing regime to keep packs COVID free.

If you are thinking of doing a course with Megan, my recommendation is go for it. You won’t find anyone better out there!

Carolyne 30 Jun 2020


This course got me writing poems, I had great fun and learned so much. Classes focus on free verse, sensory imagery, effective rhyme, natural metre and economy of language amongst others. The 8 week printed booklet you collect during the course is an incredible resource for future reference, packed full of information on more than 50 different poetic forms and techniques, I found a lot of the 'quickie' short poetry forms were a great threshold to having a go, and even odd phrases in bad poems I wrote turned up later in better shape or fed into fictional prose. As always with Megan's classes, the atmosphere was friendly, informal and uncompetitive with lovely people. You're never forced read out something you've just written in class, so nobody plays Wack A Mole with emerging confidence! Thanks, Megan.

Sal, 10 May 2019

The poetry course was excellent. We received so much input and new poetry forms to try out, exercises and feedback. It was fun - achieving a great balance between fun and working hard at the craft. Megan is lovely! She knows her stuff and has created one of the best courses I've been on.

Inkywriter, 30 Apr 2019

I chose Meddling with Poetry because I had just done the Starting Points course last autumn, and began to have an inkling that I maybe enjoyed expressing myself more poetically. The Meddling with Poetry syllabus was a good introduction to all different kinds of form. Megan's teaching style is so much fun. I love that we sit in small tables and do lots of group activities as well as some exercises alone in class. There is so much interaction and it never fails to stimulate my creativity. There are grapes, and tea and biscuits which is so reassuring.

I learned so much from the Meddling with Poetry class. I'm more naturally about spontaneous creative self-expression, mostly through painting. But this class taught me a real appreciation for form and how to break things down to tackle writing in a form. I got so much from the experience and great satisfaction from what I was able to write during the course period. The people who take these classes are great people too. I really enjoyed the social aspect a lot also.

Anita, 1 May 2019

I took Megan's Starting Points course in Oct-Nov and Meddling with Poetry in Feb-Mar 2019 and both were wonderful. Each class is well thought out, well resourced, fun, practical, engaging and social in a creative, cosy environment. All led by Megan, knowledgeable and ever-encouraging. In all courses there are opportunities to give and receive feedback on your writing which is incredibly valuable.

Each lesson is designed to spark inspiration and creativity in various ways, and they succeed. I miss being there each week and I suppose others do too as so many people attend course after course.

Meddling with Poetry was running for the first time ever when I joined. I hadn't really written any poetry since school but I never felt discouraged. The message was just to keep on writing, playing, observing and enjoying language.

I would recommend any of Megan's courses to anyone at any level of writing ability.

JK, 30 Apr 2019


Meddling with Poetry Course




The 2026 course will run with two parallel courses:

In person in Upper Wolvercote (North Oxford). There's free parking, a great bus route (#6), and beautiful canal-side walking routes.

Online with posted materials, open to anywhere in the world

To book:

Email me for a reminder closer to the time when the course dates are set.





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